Time Off Request- Range option
Ned Rowland
Time off requests still doesn't allow for simply a start date and end date to be added. You have to click individual days and it doesn't allow for more than a week off. You should be able to select a day that leave starts and a day that leave ends and it allow for that entire period to be blocked out.
Brooke Eisner
Hi everyone,
Date range for time off is now released! To learn more, please see our help doc: https://help.zoomshift.com/article/15-time-off-requests or reach out to ZoomShift Support.
Codi Taylor
great idea, and they finally changed it, but now that's the only option. So annoying. Why cant we have both options?
Justin Arnold
Agree this has got to be fixed. Requested over a year ago and not even on the road map yet.
Brooke Eisner
Merged in a post:
Improve Time Off Request; Days and Hours
Kimberley Harper
As it is right now, employees can request time off and mark the type of paid/unpaid time they wish to take and designate the times. However, if an employee marks the whole day as a paid day off, it automatically gives them that entire time as 'paid'. It would be great if employees could designate a date range for time off, and then into another field enter the number of paid hours they wish to take.
For example, if I'm leaving on vacation for Saturday-Friday, I need all 6 days off, but would only be paid for 40 hours.
For businesses with schedules outside of the M-F, 8-5 range, this feature would be really helpful!
Nikki Myers
Would like to see multiple shift coverage requests as well rather than have to individually select each shift. Our shifts are on the hour so sometimes employees are requesting over 15 shifts for coverage
Brooke Eisner
Nikki Myers: Hi Nikki, You can find this feature request here: https://zoomshift.canny.io/feature-requests/p/approve-allapprove-in-bulk-shift-covers
Rob Zimmerman
100% agree. I dont know why this isnt a feature yet. I guess the developers dont understand what a vacation is.