Make Discussions More Interactive
Brooke Eisner
Hi Everyone,
We know this has been requested for a long time, so I wanted to drop an update in here. Discussions will be phasing out, as we just released our new Chat Feature.
Chat allows you to share photos, documents, and create individual and group chats. You can read more about how to use this here-
Have any questions about the phase out, or Chat? Reach out to
Stephanie King
What is happening with this? Has ZoomShift made the discussions more interactive? Ability to "like" discussion posts? Ability to post photos? Ability to respond back and forth on comments? Please advise!! I am new to my organization in a leadership role and want to find out if ZoomShift has the capacity we need to communicate with one another across all levels. Thank you!!
Brooke Eisner
Stephanie King: Hi, we are working on some exciting new discussion features currently, but they are not quite ready for release right now. Stay tuned here for more updates.
Stephanie King
Brooke Eisner: please share more details about a timeline for this and specific features to be changed. That would be VERY helpful! Thank you!
Brooke Eisner
Stephanie King: We cannot provide specifics to you at this time, but when we are releasing I will release an update here.
Brooke Eisner
Merged in a post:
Shane Kuykendall
Adding an option to see what staff members have read discussions would be an amazing tool. When I do post important discussions it would be helpful to see what staff if and when and who has seen my very important discussions.
Brooke Eisner
Hey Everyone!
We are hoping to get some feedback regarding what ways you want to use ZoomShift to communicate with your Team Members. As we look at revamping discussions, this feedback will greatly help us. Feel free to comment here, or email
Thank you!!
Jason Amunwa (ZoomShift Product Team)
under review
We're currently researching a massive overhaul of the Discussions feature, to make your conversations faster and easier to follow, as well as add some incredibly useful automations for power users to manage their teams at scale with a few keystrokes. Stay tuned! :)
Brooke Eisner
Merged in a post:
Bulletin board vs. discussions
Jeff VonWald (L)
Separate pinned announcements from general discussion. Make discussion more interactive. Enable discussion by sub-groups.
Brooke Eisner
Have the ability to export discussion information and print.
Brooke Eisner
Have the ability to tag a team member directly in the thread of a message.
Brooke Eisner
Add an ability to send a message account wide vs just organization wide
Vick Pijnenburg
The recent update has improved notifications on PC with the bell icon. This is a nice improvement towards keeping track of what has happened. However, we still have two main problems:
- On the phone apps, notifications for discussions and time off requests are still hard to keep track of. The notifications will often go by unnoticed and then there's no way to see them again. Especially unread discussion messages are hard to find again, which creates a constant tendency to move planning-related communication back to WhatsApp.
We would love something like those typical red circles on the various menus in the app to show the different places where unread messages and such can be found.
- Since we make use of time clocks, a massive amount of my PC bell icon notifications are clock-in reminders for our employees. This makes it hard to find the much more important discussion posts and time off requests in the list.
It would be great to have some more fine tuning / customization to make sure the bell notifications show the information that we're genuinely looking for, while the phone notifications can still spam all the more immediate small notifiers.
Keep up the great work!
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