Your employees who ask for time off today may notice a couple of differences -
they're now able to categorize their time off requests
, based on the reason for requesting it!
While this is a pretty simple change on the surface, it brings a bunch of tangible benefits to the table:
- Better tracking of types of paid vs unpaid time offbeing requested by your employees
- Clearer insight into the overall amount of time offbeing used across your team
- View the total cost of PTOvs labor hours in your Payroll reporting
- Lays the foundationfor even more useful tracking features related to Time Off** (hint, hint)...
In addition, your team can now ask for time off across multiple days all in a single request, and you can also
filter your Timesheets based on the Time Off Request category
- so now you can see just how much time you've specifically approved for Netflix marathons this month, with just a few clicks!Find out more about Time Off Request Categories in our help documentation, and check out other upcoming features in our Feature Request Forum.
Additional Improvements in this release:
- Ask for multiple days off in one Time Off Request
- Filter Time Off Requests screen by Category
- Display PTO totals on Timesheets screen