Team Management
Role Customization has arrived!
Team Member roles can be as unique as the business they belong to, and shouldn't have to stay confined inside of a pre-made box.
We have heard you loud and clear, and are so glad to finally be able to bring you a
quick, and highly customizable way to define what each role can and cannot do.
Match the permissions you want to the Roles in ZoomShift
Managers and Owners have been able to assign three roles to their Team Members- Manager, Supervisor, and Employee. These roles came with a strict set of permissions, that were uneditable, until now.

This new update allows you to
view the defaults and adjust these Roles to fully configure the permissions to your business needs.

Rather stick with the Defaults?
You can reset all Roles back to their defaults with one click of a button.

This new feature is useful for big and small businesses alike. Whether, you are a team of 4 who wear many hats, or a big corporation. If your roles differ in a small or big way from the defaults,
Customizable Role Permissions give you the power to get rid of the defaults and align the roles to your business.
Get Started
Check out the Help Document Here, for more details on ZoomShift's Roles and Permissions, as well as to find out how to begin customizing your Roles.
As always we welcome your Feedback and Ideas!
-The ZoomShift Team